Prevent self shadowing (but still cast on other objects)

Is there a way to stop a mesh receiving shadows on itself without making it unlit? I still want it to cast shadows on the environment around, but just not on itself. I am using static lighting.

Reason for this is I’m making a mobile game in which I want to play quite a few low poly foliage meshes. It’s hard to get the shadows on them looking correct without a higher lightmap resolution, and they look fine just shaded (lit).

Effectively I’m after the opposite of ‘Self Shadow Only’.

Thanks for any help.

Why cant you use unlit material mode? just ligthing with emissive.

Then I don’t get any shading on the model, it just becomes one solid block of colour. I’d like to keep the shading on the mesh but without any shadow after building.

It may not be possible because it’s a weird thing to want to achieve.

This is not possible with deferred rendering. Objects can not be specified to not have lighting affect them in this way.

Understood, thanks for the quick reply Tim.