Behavior Tree- Possible Bug in Cast Node

In a BP parented from a BTTask_BlueprintBase the Cast to MyAIController was always failing. But, it cast true as a AIController.

I set up my MyAIController Class on the Pawn, that I spawned at level start using the AISpawn node.

Is this intentional, that if you are using a BehaviorTree you can not use your own class extending AIController?

Here the controller is set in the CatPawn:

Then in the Level Blueprint the SpawnAI node is called, you can see it fails the cast on the controller.

I replied in your thread with the workaround. It is a confirmed bug.

This was answered by an Epic Dev on the forums. It is a bug, this is a work around:

I think I have the similar problem.See this: Spawning an agent with AI controller - AI - Unreal Engine Forums