How do I extend UAnimBlueprint to set variables via C++

Dear Wonderful Friends at Epic,

Thank you for the UE4 Engine! Yay!

I am trying to add some variables to my AnimBlueprint so that I can set up my own footplacement system, setting the BCS_WorldSpace skel controllers within the blueprint itself, from FVectors I calculate in code.

I can create and set the vars if they are on my Character blueprint and they show up in the Character blueprint in editor:

**But I cannot figure out how to access these custom vars from the Animblueprint graph page**, there's no way I can find to cast from Character to my specific Character class and access these vars

So I tried to extend AnimBlueprint as follows

    // Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    #include "VictoryAnimBlueprint.generated.h"
    UCLASS(dependson=(UBlueprint, UAnimInstance), BlueprintType)
    class UVictoryAnimBlueprint : public UAnimBlueprint
    	/** Left Foot IK Translation*/
    	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=FootPlacement)
    	FVector LeftFootIKTranslation;
    	/** Right Foot IK Translation*/
    	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=FootPlacement)
    	FVector RightFootIKTranslation;

**But I simply cannot find a way to actually create this extended blueprint in the editor**, 

**I cannot make a regular blueprint of it, AnimBlueprint is not an option on the list under Object**

And when creating an AnimBlueprint there's no option to pick any subclasses of itself....


**How do I get my Footplacement WorldSpace FVectors set via C++ overs to my AnimBlueprint?**



Nvm I figured this out with the help of TheAgent from the Rocket Forums

Here’s my tutorial on how to do this