Change the spawn location on a map with the use of blueprints? (better explanation in description)

Hi, I have a problem with changing the spawnpoints of the character. What I want to make my blueprint do is having two different spawns in one map. The player starts in the middle of a room. You can walk up to a door and it changes the level. On the next level there is a door that brings you back to the previous level. The problem is that when I go back to the first level I spawn in the middle of the first room. I want the player to spawn close to the door you walked out and not in the middle of the room.

Could someone help me out with an idea for a blueprint.

I’ve done exactly this in blueprint by putting different billboards as the spawnpoints and naming them after the map you want to enter from. When you then enter another level i save the name of the map you came from in a save file. always check this file in the player begin play event and set the world position of the phys capsule to the billboard with the name if the map you came from. there is a function for fiding all actors in the scene of a particular class so upon player load i find all the spawn positions(blueprint i made with a billboard component a position and a string var for its name) and move the player to the right position. You will never see the default spawn point you just appear at the correct one.

Hope this helps and good luck! :slight_smile:

thank you for the answer! :smiley: I will try this out later :slight_smile: I may ask for help if i did not make it work xD

Hey, thanks for that.

theoretically i totally understand, but just dont end by understand how to make that in practice (using blueprint).
Do you think it would be possible that you post a screenshot of the BP for that?

figured it out ? i failed, but have worked with other stuff while trying to figure it out

okey, i mean this question have gotten over 900 views, that probably means that people are searching for this. so if any one know the answer on this and want to share it i would be happy, this is the oldest problem i got with my project. :slight_smile: @WegHuZ is on to something, I understand what he suggest, the problem is that i dont know how to do it myself :confused: