Line Trace sometimes misses landscape

Engine Version: 4.7.4

I am trying to figure out the height of the landscape at any given point and I use the line trace method for that. Unfortunately, it misses the landscape completely on some occasions.

I use these vector endpoint values to intersect with the landscape:

Start: -60.171597, 6648.526367, 1100.839844

End: -60.171597, 6648.526367, -899.160217
The landscape Altitude / Z value is 0 at this position.

I can repeatably miss the landscape on my level map by using these values in blueprints (Line Trace by Channel).

Just for fun, I tried the same values in C++ with the following code:
FHitResult hr;

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	if (World)
		World->LineTraceSingle(hr, FVector(-60.171597f, 6648.526367f, 1100.839844f), FVector(-60.171597f, 6648.526367f, -899.160217f), FCollisionQueryParams(), FCollisionObjectQueryParams(ECollisionChannel::ECC_Visibility));

That also misses the terrain. I try to dig into the engine source, but the trace code uses PhysX code and that’s a bit beyond me. (\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Collision\PhysXCollision.cpp, Line 833)

I can upload the level if it helps to reproduce this issue.

My current work-around is to use a sphere trace which gives correct results.

I had the same problem here: Single Line Trace does not always hit the Object (Landscape) - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums

Answer from Epic:

I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-11871 to be assessed by the development staff.