Can't compile to Linux? (using windows)

Hi! I’m using Visual Studio and I’m trying to compile the editor for Linux, but I can’t seem to get it working.

Here’s the guide I’m following: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

I’ve done everything it says there, but when I try to build UE4 using Linux as my platform, less than three seconds after I click build it fails and gives me this:

“Error 2 error : Unable to instantiate instance of ‘FBX’ object type from compiled assembly ‘UE4EditorModuleRules’. Unreal Build Tool creates an instance of your module’s ‘Rules’ object in order to find out about your module’s requirements. The CLR exception details may provide more information: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> UnrealBuildTool.BuildException: ERROR: FBX SDK not found in ThirdParty/FBX/2014.2.1/lib/linux/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf C:\Engine\UnrealEngine-release\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\EXEC UE4”

It sounds like it’s related to the environmental variables, but I’m sure I have those installed correctly.

Any ideas?

Thank you :smiley:

I had a similar issue cross-compiling the linux x86 editor on Windows (before I realized I didn’t actually need the full editor for my cross-compile :). I grabbed the Linux version of the FBX SDK from Autodesk’s site directly, pulled out the relevant pre-compiled Linux lib files, and placed them in the correct location within the engine’s ThirdParty source tree.

From what I can tell the UBT is supposed to find/build these ThirdParty binaries itself as needed, but the FBX SDK one is not working for whatever reason.

Unfortunately I don’t see a Linux ARM version of the pre-built FBX SDK binaries available on the download site I linked above, just the x86 version. However it looks like the 2014.2.1 SDK does support compiling to Linux ARM as a target, based on what I can see here, so those binaries should exist SOMEwhere.

I’m getting the same issue, Where are these binaries? I don’t really need to compile the Editor for Arm, so if i could not generate it’s project file that would be fine with me. I just need to be able to package and run for ARM. Maybe it is just easiest to get the binaries though.