Terrain disappearing

It’s probably a simple fix but when i play my scene, the mountain terrain i made in UE4 disappears completely. Everywhere else works. help?

What it should look like


After making the change, are you falling? Does it do the same when you simulate?

Did you ever find a solution to this issue? Having the same problem. I can load up my scene and play and it works fine, but if I make any small adjustment to the terrain it will be gone next I press play.

Yep. If I load up a copy of my map without adjusting the terrain any further I can play it just fine and the terrain is there.

If I make any small sculpting adjustment on the map, as soon as I hit play or simulate the terrain disappears from the scene, collision and all, but the gizmo for it and name for it in the heirachy remain in the same place. I haven’t changed anything about my project that I know of.

It’s becoming a repeating problem, I had an older version of the landscape saved in a backup map so I started using that one again and eventually the same thing happened.

Copying the landscape to a new map doesn’t help either once it’s dead.

Edit: After writing this message, I switched between scenes, even after saving the scene with the dead landscape. It has started working again. It seems to be an issue where the landscape decides to disappear whenever it wants. Its becoming a real pain when trying to keep a constantly workflow of play testing. The landscape is quite small and I have never had these issues with landscapes before. Any tips would be appreciated!

Have not experienced it myself. If you add a new landscape does it do it?

It is pretty much just random by the looks of it. It could happen on a landscape then go away after changing scenes a few times, but somehow it could still be an issue after restarting the engine. Pretty odd. Never had this issue before either. I’ll keep track of it and report it as a bug if I find a clearer pattern with it happening to new landscapes.

This happened to me twice this weekend working on a game jam. had to delete the landscape references, and rebuild the landscape both times.
Which really is not fun, since i have two levels with the same landscape… at least it’s supposed to.

I went to the landscape in the outliner, and right clicked it, went to edit and duplicated it, and it reappeared. I don’t know if this will work for you, but it’s worth a shot? It’s not fixed, but it seems to be a work around for the moment.

Glad to see I’m not the only one with this problem. Although it’s a pretty annoying problem.

I’ll have a go with your workaround if the issue pops up again. It’s been entirely random so far.

Also, what did you mean by deleting the landscape references and rebuilding the landscape? Are you meaning delete the whole thing and then fully sculpt it from scratch?

Hopefully this is just an issue in UE4.10

I believe this is currently a bug with the current version of unreal, all you have to do is select the landscape from the world outliner; which is the menu on the top right corner of your screen (if you don’t see this menu then go to the “Window” option from your tool bar and make sure it is checked), after selecting the landscape from the world outliner, go to the details tab which should be just below the world outliner (if you don’t see this then make sure it is checked from the “window” option on the tool bar) after that scroll down to “landscape” inside the details tab and change the “collision mip level” to 1, save and then press play. Now that your terrain is no longer bugged, go back to the “collision mip level” and change it back to 0, save and you’re good! :slight_smile:

I’ll give your suggestion a go too if the bug continues to occur. Thanks!

yes, that what i did at first; but now i only delete the corrupted landscape after duplicating it.

You, sir, just saved my butt.

The terrain file has been corrupted and may be too large. Modes>Landscape>manage>+ new landscape (dropdown)>change component size>leave everything the same as the previous terrain>Resize mode=Resample>apply. Some parts of terrain may be erratically invisible: sculpt>visibility>change brush size to very large>shift+lmb on terrain to paint back the visibility for the holes.