How to connect source control with github?

Hello! How can I connect UE4 src control with my repository on GitHub? I’m using git.exe from GitHub app.


First of all, you need to get a local clone of your GitHub repository, for instance in C:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\ (but I asume you already have)

Then, you need to use to click on Source Control menu, Connect, select Git, and provide the path to the git.exe provided with GitHub for Windows, that is C:\Users\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c2ba306e536fdf878271f7fe636a147ff37326ad\bin\git.exe
(see for instance Where is git.exe located?)

This second part will be automated on upcoming UE 4.8 with my pull request


hey, the link to your pull request is down.

No it is still valid, but you need to be logged into your GitHub account and also have linked it to your Unreal Engine account (this gives you the right to access the private source code of UE4)