Line Trace not outputting the correct hit results?

Iv spent the past few days trying to solve this problem, im not sure what im doing wrong as it all seems logically sound, When the AI starts to attack I want it to trace to see if the player’s shield is in the way of the “hitbox” then begin the correct event accordingly, whatever I do the trace will not pick up either and always fires from the false’s BUT the line trace is hitting something, I don’t know what though as all the hit results are “out of scope”. Any ideas? Or am I just doing this completely wrong? Im very new to tracing casting ai etc, cheers.

Thank you very much! Changed it to trace by object so I can filter it out.

First of all you should add a branch node after the trace with the “Return Value” output as flag, so it will only run when it actually hit something. If it does and you want to know what it hit, you could use a print node to display the name of the hit actor and component.

Just an fyi that there are issues with line trace that should be fixed in 4.8: