Can't Diff UMG Assets

Currenly if you try to Diff (source control) a UMG asset in editor, all you get is the text version of the asset. There’s no nice blueprint diffing tool like you get with other Blueprints.

Yes, as stated recently in a related answer about diff with Git, only Bluetprints have Visual Diffs.

Have a look at the official Blog :

  1. diffing-unreal-assets
  2. diffing-blueprints

Hi ,
I asked a [related question][1] about having UE4 save assets and maps to text-format instead of binary format. Do you know if has been discussed by the Epic team?

Thank you for your time,

“Blueprint Diff Tool with Animation Blueprints and Widget Blueprints” was added in 4.11.

To activate:

Edit > Editor Preferences > Experimental > Blueprints > Use the Diff Tool for Widget Blueprints

(There’s also an option for Animation Blueprints.)

Does that work for you?