Disable collision with anything except WorldStatic after destruction of Destructible

Hi guys!

I tried for the last few hours but I can’t get this to work.
So I have a DestructibleActor which gets hit by another actor. The other actor then inflicts damage to the DestructibleActor which then breaks. Everything fine so far.

Now to the problem:
When I shoot again at the same position, the OnHit gets triggered again because there’s some leftover collision from the Destructible Actor.

How do I disable any collision (except worldstatic for the debris to not fall through the world) after the DestructibleActor has been hit once?

Here’s the code I’m currently using.

void ASpellPrototype::OnHit(AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit)
	ADestructibleActor* pDestructible = Cast<ADestructibleActor>(OtherActor);
	if (pDestructible)
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, "Hit Destructible");
		pDestructible->GetDestructibleComponent()->ApplyRadiusDamage(20.f, pDestructible->GetActorLocation(), 15.f, 50.f, true);



Which option did I miss? What function call did I miss?
The problem is the same even if I call
on the DestructibleActor.

I also tried to set the “Large Chunk Threshold” to a very high value which should disable collision on the debris but it doesn’t. (Read about that in another thread)

Every solution from BP to C++ is welcome.

Thanks for your time and help!