Spawning a particle system at the closest mesh bone location


I am trying to add some impact FXs for a melee combat system, I’d like to spawn blood vfx at the point of weapon impact and have the FX actually follow the vert/surface of the mesh where it was hit.

If I understand correctly the Skel Vert/Surf Location particle module the location is randomly selected based on the list of valid bones, in my case I want to spawn at a specific location but there is not necessarily a socket for that.
The ideal would be for the location module to support a “closest to current location” mode. I suppose I could also generate a dynamic socket at the point of impact and use the Bone/Socket location module, but I am not sure if that’s possible.

any suggestions on how I could do that?



Ok forget it, I can simply attach the FX using a bone as a socket name


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Yes, that is correct, and should be the most performant solution as well.

no problem