Localization Get Current Language how?

Hi I have setup Localization for a game but I’m looking for some way to find out what current Language is being shown in the game. So I’m wondering if someone has done this I would like to know. I’ve been check in FCulture files but haven’t really found what I’m looking for.
Anybody have any ideas for this. I’m planning on making a Blueprint node for some Datatables to see which one I want to end up using.

I figured it out. By using this command I could get the name of the current used Culture name.


it’s resolved now.

Hi wettrix,

I’m glad to see that you were able to resolve your issue. I’ll be setting the status of this issue to resolved for tracking purposes. If you encounter any more issues related to this problem, please comment and let us know.

Have a nice day,

Hello soulmapp,

This still works in 4.16, you just need to include Culture.h in the files that will be using this. This used to be included as part of Editor.h that was included in every project but this was removed as a standard as it lead to unnecessary includes and slowed down compile time.

This is no longer working in 4.16 for me.
i get this errorC2027 use of undefined type FCulture

OK cool… thank you.