Head bob for idle

So I created a head bob for walking and running but I can’t create a head bob if just standing still.
Does somebody knows how to move the camera in first person a little if just standing still?

Easiest way would be to just animate this with the character rather than setup a whole node network for a simple head bob while idle. If your animation does have a head bob then you can simply uncheck the “Use Pawn Control Rotation” box from the details panel while your camera is selected. Be aware that this will have adverse effects - the camera will bob while running and moving (based off of the character animations) which will look horrible.

With the proper animation you can then just extend your “movement” codes so that if your character speed == 0 then “Set Use Pawn Control Rotation” to “True” and the camera will move with the animation, then when your characters movement > 0 you “Set Use Pawn Control Rotation” to “False”. Remember to add a reference to your camera to have access to the “Set Use Pawn Control Rotation”

This is a bit hacky, you could make vectors and translate your camera’s rotations by specific amounts and it would give you more control but I think would have a noticeable “fake” feel to the head bob. Just use a good animation then change the Pawn Control Rotation switch accordingly.

Of course, if you already did all your vector transforms to your camera for your walking/running then you can do the same thing you did there but this time, just checking your speed and activating your camera moves while speed is == 0.

Hope this helps!

Try this: