Can I use "SavedGame_*" in a loop to find all saved games with the "SavedGame_" prefix?

Can I use “SavedGame_*” in a loop to find all saved games with the “SavedGame_” prefix?

I would like to allow players to name their save files, but that requires being able to identify the save file without using its exact name. (Since I can’t load a custom named save game without knowing its name before hand)

I could have a separate save game file that records a list of the names of all save files, which is fine, but I would like to know if there is a means to just get a list of save files with a specified prefix(returning part of the name), or straight up returning every save file within a specified folder?

Use an another save game object that stores the names of the save game objects. Isn’t it easier? :slight_smile:

You don’t have access to the file system from blueprints.

As I mentioned in the question post, I am already aware of that method.

It is an easy method but it is not thorough. If the user goes in windows and manually renames the file, then it will cause problems as the save game file will no longer match the listed name.

But I guess if I don’t have access to it in blueprints, maybe I have access in C++?