Meaning of Frame, Game, Draw when using Stat UnitGraph

While running a game, opening the console and entering “STAT UnitGraph” produces a nice graph of roughly where the game is spending it’s time, broken down into Frame, Game and Draw components.

I’m trying to get up to a stable 60fps (currently hovering around ~51fps). In my case, frame is ~25ms, game is ~2ms, and draw is ~3ms.

Presumably Game is time spent on game logic and Draw is draw time. What is frame? What reasons typically cause frame to be much larger than the other two?

There is information on that in the docs: Performance and Profiling | Unreal Engine Documentation

“The actual frame time is limited by one of the three: Game (CPU game thread), Draw (CPU render thread) or GPU (GPU).”

So Frame is basically the largest of the other three and the final update time of your game.


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Argh - I swear I had searched for that. Somehow I missed that page. Thanks!