Save point & checkpoint not working

Hi guys, I don’t know why but i have some problems with save_game’s blueprint. Maybe i have just forgot to add some components, but I really don’t know. This blueprint can save my game, by using a trigger box as a checkpoint, but when I click on loading button, it doesn’t work, so i can’t load anything.

Hi Mad_Man,

It doesn’t look like you’re actually saving anything to SaveGame Blueprint. Are you doing this elsewhere?

If not, you should be aware: SaveGame Blueprint saves variables between game loads, but doesn’t by itself save state of game. For example, if you want to reload game with character at checkpoint, you’d need to save vector location in checkpoint SaveGame. Then when you reload level, you can spawn or move character to saved vector. Does that make sense?

Hi Mad_Man,

We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m resolving this post for tracking purposes. If you’re still having trouble getting your checkpoint working, please respond with information requested above and we can continue assisting. Thanks!