Something seems to be wrong with epic games servers?


Epic games launcher kept resetting update to 50% after getting stuck a while on 62% (with 0 Bytes/s next to it).

I tried to reinstall it, didnt solve it…now trying to download it again from your end, and it sorta does the same on the download, it got stuck on about 15% on my google chrome download with 0 bytes/s , My internet connection is fine, i could even play online multiplayer games with no lags or even delay (ping ~90 ms).

Speedtest results:
ping: 18ms
download: 6.67mbps
upload: 0.84mbps

I dont know if you guys changed the port or something, that is being blocked/interfered by my ISP.

Can anyone help?


Hi FrostSnake,

We haven’t changed anything that I’m aware of.

Have you managed to download and re-install the Launcher this second time?

If you do have the Launcher re-installed but still can’t download an engine version, try the steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide.

If nothing works, follow the steps towards the bottom of that link to generate your Debug Logs. Then post them here along with your Dxdiag (system specs).

Okay, I am sorry to flood your forums with my stupidity xD
I did further investigations, found out that my access point is sorta broken, though it works fine for online gaming, but it doesnt work alright for Epic games servers xD.

Thank you for your quick answer :slight_smile: