UE 4.7 Editor crashing in loading phase


I am having difficulties trying to use an AActor derived class as data object in the GameMode class of my project.
What I am doing is declaring the class like:

class MySecondaryClass mySecClassName*

and in the GameMode constructor:

mySecClassName =
ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<MySecondaryClass >(this, TEXT(“Something”));

(The constructor of MySecondaryClass is default - not initialized with FObjectInitializer)

After building the solution with Visual 2013, I try to enter the editor, and at 83% it crashes.
Since I am new to UE4, there’s a big chance I am missing something.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice:D


Please note, that FObjectInitializer::CreateDefaultSubobject is a templated function:

template<class TReturnType, class TClassToConstructByDefault>
TReturnType * CreateDefaultSubobject (UObject * Outer, FName SubobjectName, bool bTransient)

Thus, in this situation you should use it like this:

mySecClassName = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UMySecondaryClass>(this, TEXT("My custom component"));

Hope this helped! Cheers!

Oops, my bad, I forgot to put that in the question. I’ am already doing that in the code ;). Sorry!

Have you tried rebuilding the project in VS?

Yes. I tried rebuilding it in VS, it successfully builds it, but when I try to open my project from UE4 Launcher, it goes to 73~83% and crashes.

Can you please tell me, what version of the Engine are you using? Are you able to open other projects?

I can open other projects with the editor, except the bugged one. As for the version, I’m using 4.7, but not sure which one (4.7.x… ). I can find out later today when I get home which one it is.

I believe Actor classes need a world (UWorld instance) to be spawned in. Initializing it in the GameMode (which get initialized before the gameworld exists - or where it is at least in a initialization phase) will probably fail.

Please consider using UObjects for data objects. If you like to learn more, please check out this turorial:

