Mouse Zoom

Is there a way to change zoom setings in mouse scroll wheel… I can not get accurate zoom to small objects as item is either too far away or zoom jumps past item

Thank you

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Hey ohsilenone,

Here’s a good rundown of your Viewport control options:

You can adjust your camera speed in Editor Preferences. Go to Edit > Editor Preferences, and in Editor Preferences window got to Level Editor > Viewports > Controls. You’ll see a Mouse Scroll Camera Speed, which you can knock down to 1 to get more precise control.

You can also move closer to and farther from an Actor in your viewport by “flying” towards it: hold RMB and use W and S. Alternatively, use Maya controls: hold Alt key and RMB, and move mouse left and right to move in and away from what you’re looking at in Viewport.

Hope that helps!