How do I replicate pitch input (no blendspace)?


I’m trying to replicate pitch input over a networked game. For now, only the rotation of the player is being replicated. I tried these setups:


None of them work. Please note that I’m not using blendspace, but simply put the gun as a child of the FirstPersonCamera:

And it actually works it singleplayer!

I read a few posts regarding this issue but most of them involve using a blendspace. Is it possible to replicate pitch input without it? If so, how?

Please, it’s hard to push my project forward without a solution to this problem. Can anyone help?

Thankfully, TK-Master from the UE forums was able to help me: How do I replicate pitch input (no blendspace)? - Multiplayer & Networking - Unreal Engine Forums

I’m just now getting into multiplayer replication, and I can 100% confirm THIS IS THE SOLUTION!
Seeing as it’s an FPS I’m working on, it’s kinda important that I’m not shooting horizontally.

Glad that I could help!

Your the best, thanks!

You’re welcome! It’s cool how an over three years old thread still helps people :slight_smile: I haven’t touched UE in a while now… Time to give it another shot!