Can i run UE4 with these specs?

I have Windows 7 64 bit, 2 GB RAM, and dual core processor…can i run UE4 with these?

That will be a less than optimal experience if it runs at all. Because UE4 is free just download and try it.

Hey Aman601,

Here is the [FAQ][1] for the Unreal Engine. Listed within this page, you’ll seen the specifications for the Unreal Engine, which are as follows:

What are Unreal Engine 4’s system requirements?
For developing with UE4, we recommend a desktop PC with Windows 7 64-bit or a Mac with Mac OS X 10.9.2 or later, 8 GB RAM and a quad-core Intel or AMD processor, and a DX11 compatible video card. UE4 will run on desktops and laptops below these recommendations, but performance may be limited.


Häufig gestellte Fragen - Unreal Engine

It will run, but i doubt that you will be able to create anything usefull inside the editor. It’s time to upgrade the rig :slight_smile: