Strange issue with Animations

I currently created a character using Autodesk Character Generator. I then imported it into maya and followed the steps in their guide to animate the character, found here: tutorial But through this process I encountered some weird things.

For example, the model comes into Maya 2014 upright then when I export to the fbx and import, the character is 1) tiny and I must remember to scale it, 2) lying on its back. But whatever, I just adjust the settings on import. However, if I import the FBX file generated from autodesk character generator, I do not have have to resize or rotate anything.

Moving on, another strange issue I am having is when I am import a character into Unreal from Maya and resize it, so it is larger, when I import my animations and preview them, my mesh either becomes invisible or really tiny again.

How do I go about fixing this, I am using UE4 4.7.6, have searched around and tried baking, and binding key simulations…

For the lying on back issue: Maya defaults to Y-up but Unreal is Z-up. You can change this in Maya so when you export from Maya it’ll be imported correctly.

Each 3D program also keeps track of world units differently and has ways of exporting that assume either centimetres or metres or “generic world units” so scaling options on export and import are usually the place to look.

None of this is very surprising - it’s a result of each tool being created originally by different companies and there not being a single universal standard. Converting space options and scaling options are just how you deal with it.

Scale Factor

Go to Export → Advanced → Units (according to the above link) and modify the scale there. This will scale the mesh as well as the skeleton and animations.

Thank you for the information, I am a noob when it comes anything that isn’t code. I will give it a go.