Unable to install 4.8 Preview 1


I have tried many times to download and install the preview, but I get an error each time: Install Failed - A file corruption has occurred. Please try again.

The error occurs after I add the engine version and the download completes, during the install process.

I am using this modified version of the launcher to install the launcher, because with the most recent one, I am unable to install it in a folder with a path longer than 32 characters.

My install folder for the launcher is not on the C:\ drive. It is located on a different drive. The current existing installation path for the Launcher is 42 characters long. There is plenty of space available on the drive.

Some tests I have made:

A fresh install on the C:\ drive solves the issue and I am able to download the 4.8 preview 1 version. After installing it, I have reverted to my old install setup in order to put everything back on my other drive using the modified launcher. However, it seems that this modified launcher is now unable to update and I receive the following error message:


While looking into this matter, could it be possible for someone to look into the install path length issue as well and fix it in the new launcher (this issue has been opened for almost a year now)?

Also, another reason why I was sticking with the modified launcher is because the folder install name has changed at one point from Unreal Engine to Epic Games and it’s not possible to change it during the install. With source control setup, other PCs, etc, I just felt like it was not worth re-installing / redoing the setup on everything just because of the folder name change.

For this reason, I’d like to take this opportunity to request to make it possible to change the installation folder name during the install. After we select the install path, when it come back to the install path window, the Epic Games name could be added automatically to the path, but this path should be editable.




Hey , Sorry you are having issues. At the moment the launcher does not support download/install of an engine to a user provided folder(This feature may be available in a future version). The current launcher will install to the Epic Games folder created at launcher install time. Since engines can have a very deep folder structure you can easily exceed the Windows path length limit if you were to try an install them to a folder with a long name/path. This is the reason the launcher installer prevents you from installing to a long path.

Since you circumvented these path length checks, you probably encountered an error where an engine file exceeded the windows path length and probably silently failed to copy. Since this file is missing, the install validation step reported the corruption error you are seeing.

Hopefully this sheds light on the reason you are seeing the error. Unfortunately, I don’t have a solution for you if you are set on using the long path names.


Thanks for the answer. I have finally opted to modify my folder structure and redo the setup of what was needed. Everything seems to be working properly now.
