What does computer icon mean

What the heck does this symbol mean.
I have googled whole evening without an answer.

I mean. It means this node is only cosmetic, non-gameplay actions.

But what does that mean and why does it appear. It doesn’t appear on any tutorials I try to do with UMG. I can’t make my UMG work and I don’t know if this is the reason.

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This means that everything that happens after this node will only be executed on the client. Usually, you see this in classes that are specifically designed to be client-owned (or in specific functions that are “cosmetic only” that only execute on the client) like the HUD.

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While this is an old thread I wanted to add more info since I was unable to find out in more detail what some of the other node icons meant. Long story short after a day of discussions and digging through the code base a friend of mine ended writing a blog post detailing each of the 6 icons and what causes them to show up on blueprint nodes:

Krucks6ft’s article appears to have moved:

Found via: The Legend of the Blueprint Icons - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

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