Is there anyway to use a variable in Blueprint to set the input axis dead zone?

Hi, people!

I was testing the controller input just a minute ago, and I found out there is no preset functions in the blueprint system to call for the Axis config dead zone value from the “Project Settings” menu. It would be really useful to tweak how game control feels. It is important, at least to me and whatever game I might brought out.

I have literally none C++ experience, but through the blueprint scripting process I kind learnt some basic ideas of it. I just want to ask if it’s possible to set up a custom script node to call for the values, so I can easily adjust them using blueprint system instead of going through “project setting” and change every one of them?

Following this link gave me a good result: Doing Thumbstick Dead Zones Right

Yea, that works, thank you very much! :smiley: