How enable engine internal debug messages?

How enable engine internal debug messages?

such as these UE_LOG_ONLINE

void FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamFindLobbies::Tick()
	ISteamUtils* SteamUtilsPtr = SteamUtils();

	if (!bInit)
		// Don't try to search if the network device is broken
		if (ISocketSubsystem::Get()->HasNetworkDevice())
			// Make sure they are logged in to play online
			if (SteamUser()->BLoggedOn())
				UE_LOG_ONLINE(Verbose, TEXT("Starting search for Internet games..."));

				// Setup the filters
				// Start the async search
				CallbackHandle = SteamMatchmakingPtr->RequestLobbyList();
				UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("You must be logged in to an online profile to search for internet games"));
			UE_LOG_ONLINE(Warning, TEXT("Can't search for an internet game without a network connection"));

		bInit = true;

seems it’s defined as

#define UE_LOG_ONLINE(Verbosity, Format, ...) \
{ \
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbosity, TEXT("%s%s"), ONLINE_LOG_PREFIX, *FString::Printf(Format, ##__VA_ARGS__)); \

but in packaged/standalone game i don’t see them in console log window (yeah, i know about -log for packaged game)

no idea? anyone?

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