Where can we get most detailed documentation about shaders development?

As title said, question is regarding information that i need to develop custom shaders.
I’m very new is this branch of programming but i see that Epic’s shader system is not like standart HLSL one. They are using custom API and have custom sets of paramaters for shaders to bind.

In case if i want create custom vertex shader, i dont know where can i get matrices for vertex position transformations.

Please help, i need more information.

Currently my shader is working, but idk how to transform coords to be correct.

    void MainPS(
    	in float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,
    	out float4 OutColor : SV_Target0
        OutColor = float4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);

    void MainVS(
	    float4 InPosition : ATTRIBUTE0,
    	float4 InUV : ATTRIBUTE1,
    	out float4 OutPosition : SV_POSITION,
	    out float4 OutUV : TEXCOORD0
    	OutUV = InUV;
    	OutPosition = InPosition;

I dont sure but looks like its solved.

 #include "Common.usf"
  #include "Material.usf"

It gaves you ability to get “View” buffer with TranslatedWorldToClip matrix.

Also you need to rewrite your shader SetParameters() function to enforce view buffer binding.