[4.7.6] Failed to add class. Failed to automatically hot reload the module

So I was following many tutorials and I get this error each time I try to add a C++ class to my project.

After me clicking ‘’

I get message ‘Failed to automatically hot reload the Project module.’

the error log says:

  • ERROR: Couldn’t find target
    rules file for target ‘UE4Editor’ in
    rules assembly
    Version=, Culture=neutral,
  • Location: D:\Unreal
  • Target rules found:
  • blankCpp02 - D:\Unreal
  • blankCpp02Editor - D:\Unreal


  • Parsing headers for blankCpp03Editor
  • Reflection code generated for blankCpp03Editor
  • Performing 3 actions (4 in parallel)
  • MyActor.cpp
  • blankCpp03.generated.cpp
  • [3/3] Link UE4Editor-blankCpp03-7128.dll
    Error LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘delayimp.lib’
  • -------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
  • ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\Unreal Projects\blankCpp03\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-blankCpp03-7128.dll
  • Cumulative action seconds (8 processors): 0,00 building projects, 136,00 compiling, 0,00 creating app bundles, 0,00 generating debug info, 0,53 linking, 0,00 other
  • UBT execution time: 81,68 seconds

This is really a pain in da a.

I really would like to write code and compile stuff without restarting the editor.

I use VS 2013 Express for Desktop

The ‘Library Directories’ in preferences, I tried that option with replacing it with **$(LibraryPath) ** –link– did not work for me (normally the is $(VC_LibraryPath_x64);$(WindowsSDK_LibraryPath_x64))

Besides I do get error (if that helps) when I start a new project that
The project failed to compile with this version of the engine. Build output is as follows:

  • D:\Program Files\Epic
    : fatal error RC1015: cannot open
    include file ‘windows.h’.
  • D:\Unreal
    : fatal error RC1015: cannot open
    include file ‘windows.h’.

D:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\HAL\PlatformIncludes.h(5) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘new’: No such file or directory
-------- End Detailed Actions Stats -----------------------------------------------------------
ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: D:\Unreal Projects\blankCpp03\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-blankCpp03.dll

Hello, underrealSky

I am sorry to hear about your problem.
To fix it, please do the following:

  1. Make sure that environment variable Path is set correctly in your system (it has a value "C:\Windows\System32").

  2. In registry, check whether Visual Studio’s InstallDir property is appropriate (the data should look something like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE)

  3. If the issue remains, try repairing/reinstalling Visual Studio. (Please don’t forget to reboot after reparation/installation.)

Hope this helped!

Good luck!

I’m having the same problem as underrealSky, but I’m on a Mac Book (my pc doesn’t have the necessary video memory so I’m borrowing a mac until I can get a new pc). Any guidance on how to resolve this on a mac? Thanks!