Apply a Widget to a Mesh with SceneCapture?

Hello guys!

I’m stuck with a little annoying problem.

I have this game where you walk around with this tablet and at any point you can look down and check a minimap that is constantly being displayed in the tablet’s screen.

The problem is I don’t know how to display it.
Right now I have a widget that takes control of the mini map and I was thinking maybe I could apply a scenecapture 2D material to the tablet, but that would imply I need a dummy camera just to render that widget.

Do you guys have any insight on how to do it?

Cheers, and thanks for your time!

(Images attached for context)

[alt text][2]

Hey guys, I found the answer to it. What I was looking for was applying a 3D widget component to my main character so I could display it wherever he would go.


I was scouring the internet with the same problem so thanks heaps for posting your answer!