Better to use C++?

Hey guys. I’m a beginner to game development and programming.
I’ve wanted to make a large scale multiplayer voxel based game forever and,
now that UE4 is free, I’m having a ton of fun learning the engine and how it all works. I’ve tried to learn c++ to no avail. It’s too daunting for me right now. However, I love the visual blueprint system and understand it perfectly.
Ideally, I’d love to continue building my whole project throughout the next several months on that alone.

My question is , is this a bad thing to do? Would C++ yield a greater performance? I don’t want my game to lag a whole lot. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Does this answer your question?

Just work on your project, if it’s in Blueprints, then Blueprints.

You’ll learn more by not being discouraged.

Good, so essentially using all blueprints won’t result in a slow game, just slower than C++?

You want to choose using C++ if it’s better for your game.

For gameplay programming, you can do most things in Blueprints, but as soon as you get into navigation the API isn’t full and you’ll need to use C++.

If you are changing the renderer, and the others things you mentions for a mmo voxel game then C++ and engine code is what you will need to use.

The real problem is the statements you made about being a beginner and have not managed to learn C++. You do not have a choice because of that.

Bad C++ will perform much worse than good Blueprints, if it compiles and performs at all.

I`m sure learning code could do nothing but benefit you. You will also see how much more flexibility you can gain when attempting to achieve more complex events.

Blueprints are way better in configuring components, so i personally use C++ to do base classes for specific kind of object and build objects in blueprints, not to mention it’s also beatificall for artists you work with.

You also need to keep in mind that blueprints is around 10 times slower then native code, so it’s not recommaded for heavy tick work, like custom movement and physics systems based around tick event