How to dynamic import 3d mesh in Game

I want dynamic import fbx and texture in Game,
not in editor.

How to do?

Thanks everybody

You should take a look at the FbxImporter.h file. There is a function called OpenFile() and ImportFile() in the class FFbxImporter. Finding references to that method and seeing how the editor uses it, could lead you to the answer. Sorry I couldn’t dig further. I remember doing this a while ago, but I am not at my desktop. If you still don’t find it, I can take a look for you when I have access to unreal source :slight_smile:

Thank you, we can find together

Remember that using Editor code in released game is against the EULA. FBX importer is part of the Editor.

Thank you, I can try to write my own code to import other model format instead of using the editor code

Hi! did you get this to work? I am actually just trying to write a custom editor fbx import, and can’t work it out.

I have not solved either

I have tried reference editor code, but too difficult