Blueprint debugging: Step Over, Step Into

When debugging Blueprints in the Unreal Editor there is a Step button (F10), but there is no Step Over, or Step Into (I come from a Visual Studio background). Would it be possible add these features?

From Navigating through Code with the Debugger - Visual Studio 2015 | Microsoft Learn

Step Into
If the line contains a function call, Step Into executes only the call itself, then halts at the first line of code inside the function. Otherwise, Step Into executes the next statement.
Step Over
If the line contains a function call, Step Over executes the called function, then halts at the first line of code inside the calling function. Otherwise, Step Into executes the next statement.
Step Out
Step Out resumes execution of your code until the function returns, then breaks at the return point in the calling function.


I would second that request. it is very annoying if you have to step through every low level function or macro that you’re not interested in

I agree as well, this is a huge headache.

I would love this, I basically never use the step function because its nearly useless in many cases because of this exact reason

I would also like a “Step Over” option, I’m surprised this isn’t considered a fundamental. Debugging in Blueprints is pretty tedious without it

This is indeed an annoying issue. We should have “step over”!

Very good idea!