[4.7.6] - Transient UPROPERTY Specifier Doesn't Work

Hey Guys,

I am having a problem with a custom C++ class I created. I have a UMaterialInstanceDynamic where I specify Transient so that it doesn’t get saved however I run into an issue where I cannot unfortunately save out the level once I add one of those Actors to the scene because it can’t save the transient asset.

Could someone help me out on getting past this issue?

Thanks again!!!

I fixed this issue. What I did was avoid the Property all together but instead of creating the material instance in the OnConstruction(…) override, I did it in the BeginPlay(…) one and that cleared up the issue. I can now save my level but for future’s sake, even if a UPROPERTY is Transient, is that negated if I create the dynamic material in the OnConstruction(…) override?


Hey -

When you place the class/blueprint that is transient into the level the level is treated as being transient as well. Using BeginPlay() is ideal since it is triggered at runtime when nothing is being saved.

Ahhh… Okay cool. You learn something new everyday :slight_smile:

I will keep that in mind going forward and I appreciate your response. Have a great week and take care!