[Bug Report] AI pawn moving when not supposed to

Branch: Binary

Build Version: 4.7.6-2513093


The ai seems to move towards the edge of nav meshes when their destination is on another unconnected nav mesh. Also if the destination is not on any nav mesh then the ai won’t move at all. This behavior seems inconsistent.

Repro Steps:

  • Create project new project “PatialPathTest” from the “Top Down” template with no starter content
  • In the level move the “NavigationMeshBoundsVolume” to y=2130
  • Create a new “Nav Mesh Bounds Volume” instance named “NavMeshBoundsVolume” and place it in (x,y,z)=(-490,-1590,220)
  • Create a new “Empty Actor” instance named “Target” and place it in (x,y,z)=(-490,-1590,120)
  • Create a new “TopDownCharacter” instance named “TopDownCharacter2” and place it in (x,y,z)=(-490,240,216)
  • Open “TopDownCharacter” blueprint to make following changes:
  • Create new variable “TargetActor” of type “Actor”
  • Make “TargetActor” variable “Editable” and “Expose on Spawn”
  • Close “TopDownCharacter” blueprint
  • On the level, set the “TargetActor” varible of the “TopDownCharacter2” instance to “Target”
  • Create new “TopDownAIController” blueprint that subclasses the “AIController” blueprint
  • Create graph in “TopDownAIController”:

  • Close “TopDownAIController” blueprint
  • On the level, set the “AI Controller Class” variable of the “TopDownCharacter2” instance to “TopDownAIController”
  • Play Game
  • Notice how “TopDownCharacter2” moves towards the left even though there is no possible path to get to “Target”
  • Stop Game
  • Move “Target” to (x,y,z)=(-180,-1590,120)
  • Play Game
  • Notice how “TopDownCharacter2” does not move because there is no possible path to get to “Target”
  • Stop Game
  • Move “Target” back to to (x,y,z)=(-490,-1590,120)
  • Scale Cube2 to XScale=100 to make a wall along the entire walkable floor
  • Play Game
  • Notice how “TopDownCharacter2” moves towards the left even though there is no possible path to get to “Target” and there is now an impassable wall


  • I looked into the source and found in cause of this behavior in AIController

  • AIController.cpp lines: (source version that comes with 4.7.6)

    683: FPathFindingResult PathResult = NavSys->FindPathSync(Query);
    684: if (PathResult.Result != ENavigationQueryResult::Error)
    685: {

    696: RequestID = RequestMove(PathResult.Path, Goal, AcceptanceRadius, bStopOnOverlap, CustomData);
    697: }

  • FindPathSync will find path with “DT_PARTIAL_RESULT” aka partial path and FindPathSync will return ENavigationQueryResult::Fail based on the code below. But request move will be made as long as PathResult is not Error, regardless of if it’s Success or Fail. So “TopDownCharacter2” will move.

  • Conversion from Detour path status to ENavigationQueryResult:

    dtStatusSucceed(Status) ? (dtStatusDetail(Status, DT_PARTIAL_RESULT) ?
    : ENavigationQueryResult::Success)
    : (dtStatusDetail(Status, DT_INVALID_PARAM) ?
    : ENavigationQueryResult::Fail);

UE4 4.8 will give you a way to configure movement requests so that partial paths are treated as pathfinding failure, so in both cases, where destination is unreachable, but on navmesh, and destination is not on navigation altogether, the move request will fail.

If you’d like an opposite approach, so that AI moves even if destination is not on navmesh, then I suggest first projecting the goal location to navmesh (possibly with big query extent) and then use the result as actual move goal.



That’s awesome, I’m glad I will be able to deal with this issue in 4.8


Version 4.8 came out today, so I went back to check if this was still an issue.

I’m happy to report that the solution provided works perfectly.


Thank you so much!