How to make Delay that pauses during Set GamePaused?

I have a basic spell cooldown inside a widget blueprint, which uses a Delay. I also have a separate function inside my character blueprint for calling a main menu that uses Set Game Paused. When I cast a spell and then pause the game, the Delay doesn’t pause and the cooldown finishes.

How can I make a Delay that obeys Set Game Paused? Is making something like a loop that delays 0.1 second over and over the only option?

Thanks for any ideas…

I also have this issue, not sure how to fix it.

If I play the game (either in PIE, separate window, or packaged), alt tabbing pauses the game - which is what I want. However, timelines and delay countdowns don’t get paused.
Thus if the user alt tabs, any function that would be called by the timeline/delay is forgone.

Does someone have an answer to this question?
I have the same problem…

Would be helpful to have pictures of your actual setup, but hope this helps…

You can also use a branch with condition (is game paused) to control executions during the pause

I found the answer.
The tick event in widgets continues when the game is paused.
Only the tick event in other blueprints is stopped.

That is why the delay continues in the widgets and not in the blueprints.
Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to disable the pause.

This was the answer to my question and I hope its also the answer to your question.

Thank you! Do you know any workaround to stop all “delay” nodes in all blueprints when it’s set to game is paused?