FTimeLine SetTimelineFinishedFunc the call-back is never called


This question is similar to the other question regarding the FTimeline SetPlaybackPosition InterpFuncStatic is cleared.

This time I’ve tried to setup the SetTimelineFinishedFunc to see if I can catch the event.

In the .h :

	void EnergyLevelTimelineFinish();

	/** @brief The energy level timeline onfinish function callback. */
	FOnTimelineEvent	EnergyLevelTimelineFinishFunction;

In the .cpp, like for the other question :

	if (EnergyUpCurve)
		EnergyLevelTimeline = FTimeline();
		EnergyLevelTimelineTickFunction.BindUFunction(this, "EnergyLevelTimelineTick");
		EnergyLevelTimeline.AddInterpFloat(EnergyUpCurve, EnergyLevelTimelineTickFunction);
		EnergyLevelTimelineFinishFunction.BindUFunction(this, "EnergyLevelTimelineFinish");

I’ve debugged the code, but the function is never called :

void AKPlayerCharacter::EnergyLevelTimelineFinish()
	UE_LOG(LogKSGM, Log, TEXT("AKPlayerCharacter::EnergyLevelTimelineFinish called."));

In fact, the function void FTimeline::TickTimeline(float DeltaTime) is never called during the time line play.

Do I have to setup something for having this function called on every tick ?

Have a nice day,

In fact I didn’t understood the FTimeLine struct.
TickTimeline(float DeltaTime) function must be called using a timer or from a Tick() function.

If you do that, then all call-back functions are called.
