Random Rotation without Flipping

Hello everyone,

I am spawning different Ai character at the same time in random locations, the problem is all +10 characters spawn and run at the same direction, I noticed there is a “rotation” in “Spawn Ai From Class” I tried to link a “Random Rotator” to it but I got most characters spawning upside down. How can I spawn them facing random directions and still walk normally?

P.S. I have been using EU4 for only a month.

hey, that is because the RandomRotation node isn’t letting you specify which axes are random.

Try placing “Make Rot” and then “random float in range” To your desired amount. This setup here should only rotate the objects around the Z axis.

Thank you so much, that solved the issue

1 more thing for the same subject, I noticed that my ai characters spawn with their lower half under the ground. How do I make them all spawn above?

sounds like your actors have the root in the center of the characters. Id first try to adjust the actor location so the root is at the feet but if that proves difficult for some reason, you could add a simple Z offset. Simply measure the distance from the midpoint where they spawn to their feet using the ruler tool or guess and check it into position.