Cast to derived class in base class

The bug does not show a compiler error in the blueprint window, no message in the console nor a message in the message log. However, the compile icon does not change to the green arrow indicating a correct compile and when the game is started, a message confirmation shows up that signifies that a blueprint has a compile error.

To reproduce in 4.7.6 in an empty blueprint project without starter-content:

  1. Create Actor Blueprint named Base
  2. Create Base Blueprint named Derived (i.e. it is a subclass of the BlueprintGeneratedClass Base)
  3. In OnBeginPlay of Base add the “Cast To” node for Derived, and connect “Reference to self” to Object.

It can be worked around by not casting to derived classes from a base class and instead expose some function or event that needs to be overriden.

Hi ,

Thank you for the report. This is a known issue, it is JIRA UE-7303 in our system. Our developers are investigating the issue and we will post back here with updates.
