Is it possible to change specular color to be different from fog color?

My Exponential height fog color is effecting the specular color of my water material making my lakes specular highlights an odd color, since my fog is yellow my water is appearing to have yellow specular and it looks not good.

Is it possible to change the specular color to be white and keep my fog color yellow? And if so how?
I know its the fog affecting it because when i disable it the specular goes back to normal

It also seems like the normals are being affected by this yellow fog color even when I remove both specular and metallic links completely. How can I make my water material not be affected by the fog color?

Would I need to create a post processing volume around the water with color corrections? Is there even a way to make that work if your not within the volume and you want to see the volumes effects only in a given area that your not within? Or is that not possible? Or is post processing not even the proper solution?