How to run TrueSKY plugin with blueprint

I’ve been trying to set up a blueprint to run the TrueSKY plugin from Simul. I have searched online and I can’t find much documentation to assist me. The simul website has some instructions but I could not follow them to make a functional blueprint which runs the skysequencer.

I wanted to get the blueprint to set the initial sky settings and then progress them to the next keyframe (I was planning on using 8 keyframes for the sky and 8 keyframes for the clouds each day), I also wanted to set up the wind, rain and lightning effects to trigger appropriate sounds. The sound issue is why I was trying to set up the blueprint instead of using the skysequencer which I could use by creating a long cycle which loops but I can’t seem to find a way to link the sound to the sky effects.

I have very limited experience with blueprints and no experience with C++, any assistance would be appreciated and screenshots would be very appreciated.