How do I get Widget to Widget communication to work?

So my casting does not work. What is happening here is i have got the player to click on a difficulty level and it is setting the time for my main game UI timer to count down. I don’t know which object to link into the cast nodes, but all 4 here (Get player character/controller/pawn, and a variable linked to my desired blueprint) have failed.

Any help will be appreciated

Where are you setting the value of your GameUI variable? If it doesnt have a value, it will always fail it’s cast.

Just to the right, the cast to’s are linking into their targets with a 11mins and 11 seconds for easy (fails), 70 seconds for mid, and 30 for hard, all fail to cast.

Just noticed that the minutes and seconds were the wrong way round, fixed it now.

Ok, I’ll elaborate in a sec. I assume this is the event graph for the actual widget correct? Can you give me a full screenshot of the entire screen?

Sorry for my inexperience, but what do you mean by “grab a reference to the component”?

The picture above is my result of slapping together this, thing. It still fails to cast. Can you elaborate further, I’m a bit stuck.

Player clicks on chosen difficulty setting

Time setting is set and game begins

This is the gameUI widget. The Variable integers are on the side there and set to editable, and they are hooked up to this count down clock (showing 1 of 4 parts).

Nevermind, I see it now, I’ll get back to you.

See below for my new answer.

Assuming that this is happening within your HuD Blueprint; I think the get node that you need is “Try get owning pawn”

EDIT: I find that removing context sensitive can help with finding what you need sometimes

I have a Player Name text variable that’s public on my MyCharacter BP. This allowed me to take my MainMenu widget, that had a place to type a Player Name in, to then tell my HUD widget to display that Player Name variable as text since it was stored on MyCharacter I just casted to MyCharacter to get that variable between the 2 widgets.

Hope this helps.