[BUG 4.8p2] Localization Dashboard doesn't work


in p2 I used Localization Dashboard, and I have two problems with it.

Problem 1:

First thingy is wrong path for commandlet. When I tried launch gather, compile or just count words. It showed this:



That can be resolved with symbolic links, but it’s little annoying for beginners, they will in future just repeatly ask how to solve that.

Problem 2:

Second problem is with generating INIs. When I fixed the first problem there was problem with running commandlet itself. Here is a screen of error:


I resolve that with editing INI files and setted right ExcludePaths (generating first key without ./ or */), but now i have to run commandlets manually, because Localization dashboard generates new config when I click on Gather or Compile. So, whole feature is used for first generating INIs and nothing more.

Funny thing:

In p1 it was working, but you have to set ExcludePaths on “./Content/Localitazion/*”.

I hope it will be all fixed in future. Have a nice day :slight_smile:


I encountered the same problems as you in 4.8 preview 3.
My bypass methods are more beginner friendly.

  1. I think the problem is space in project directory path. I just moved project to another directory without space.

    C:\Users\abc\Documents\Unreal Projects\Test
    to ^(problem)

Not sure is it correct way, but I unchecked all Target Dependencies.


or you can just delete default target and create new one, also if you don’t have any code in project, only blueprints uncheck ‘Gather from Text Files’ this also makes errors.

UE also crashes when culture isn’t selected.

After this Localization Dashboard seems to work fine.

I also look forward to see it working without any problems.

Thank you so much for testing this new feature in the preview build! We’ll be trying hard to get the fixes in for the initial release, but failing that the first hot fix.

Problem 1:

Reproduced, investigated, and fixed. CL# 2559168 resolves the issues. A project file path with a space in causes issues because it wasn’t wrapped in quotation marks - this changelist makes the project file path get passed after being wrapped in quotation marks.

Problem 2:

I think the source of this problem was the same, even though you circumvented it with a symbolic link, initially. It says it tried to load a file named as such:

../../../../../../UnrealProjects/Languages/Config/Localization/Game_Compile.ini" -installedengine

Note how the file name has a quotation mark in it and includes the flag -installedengine. It looks to me like something went wrong with parsing the commandline arguments. Probably because of the space in the project file path. This problem should be resolved too, using that same changelist from problem 1, I suspect.

You were correct in thinking it was the space that was the problem.

Unchecking all Target Dependencies is problematic. Target Dependencies is what tells the localization gathering processes not to gather text that’s already in those targets. If you localize everything that gets gathered for your game with no target dependencies specified, you’ll very likely end up localizing a bunch of stuff in your project that’s copied over from the engine or editor. You’ll spend unnecessary money and time on translations that your game doesn’t need, because we’ve already done them. I’ll investigate that this isn’t related to another path with a space being passed without quotation marks around it - it’s possible.

Indeed, you shouldn’t check Gather from Text Files if you have no source code. Alternatively, modifying the settings so that they don’t attempt to gather from the Source directory, which wouldn’t exist in a blueprint only project. I’ll make a note about warning the user, in this UI, if a specified directory doesn’t exist to gather from.

I’ve discovered the crash when no native culture is selected too. I’ll be fixing that momentarily and providing a changelist.