Reusing pieces / scaling impact

Let’s say I have a modular asset in my scene, a roof for example. I understand that limiting the amount of unique pieces in a scene is important, so my question is this:

If I take the roof module, and scale it up or down in the editor to look different, does it impact the engine the same way as introducing a new roof module would?
(the new roof module would be identical, I would have just scaled it up in Maya instead of in the Unreal editor)

Does it have any impact at all if it’s the same piece just scaled, or is it treated just the same as the other roof modules?

Hi achalmers,

In this situation having your single modular piece that is scaled up or not will be considered separate objects. Each mesh will have it’s own draw call for being rendered, regardless of the size of the mesh.

The engine does a good job of optimizing things without much need to tweak as it stands. Only objects that can be seen on screen are rendered while things that are no visible or are occluded enough will not be rendered. This is also in part to the bounds scale of each mesh that determines it’s being rendered as well.

Making good use of LODs is just as important as modular pieces so that assets that are rendered at further distances are not as heavy a load.

If you’re starting to see slow downs or hiccups in your FPS using profiling can help narrow down these trouble areas where you should focus your efforts.

I hope that helps.


I’m glad I asked, thank you for such a helpful reply!