Movement Replication Issue While Possesing

Hello all,

I am working on a multiplayer educational product. And I need to use vehicles that so called pawns. Previously I have made a working prototype in UDK and now converting it to UE 4.

Currently I am extending “ACharacter” class and creating blueprint of it. Movement is replicating. Animations are replicating by character c++ class and a bridge between character blueprint and anim blueprint. Everything including animations works well within dedicated server or not. Flawless.

Now I had to create a vehicle pawn which is extending “APawn” class. Again I have created a blueprint class. Finished setting up it’s camera, possesion, unpossesion scripting with character and vehicle blueprints. There is no problem in multiplayer or singleplayer session about possesion except one thing.

Problem is while character is moving if I press to possesion key character movement component of unpossesed character pawn is continues to accelerate to pressed direction on other / replicated clients (Not in local client). When I unposses actual/local client after several seconds it’s getting synced with replicated clients. Which is not true. Also calling stop, deactivate movement etc. not working. Also I am sure c++ class is not entering to scope where movement forces are applied (AddMovementInput).


  • Actual owner client of replicated pawn holding left movement key while pressing possesion key of vehicle pawn.
  • Replicated pawn is still moving left even after possesed in other clients and key released.
  • Actual owner client of replicated pawn is unpossesing from vehicle pawn by pressing possesion key again. And moves near vehicle pawn but other clients not seeing it there.
  • After several seconds actual owner client of replicated pawn is teleporting (syncing it’s position I guess) to what other clients see. Like actually it gone left for elapsed time while possesed to pawn vehicle.

I have tried:

  • Blueprint Immediately Stop Movement, Disable Movement, Deactivate Movement from character blueprint BEFORE possesing.
  • Tried to call Controller->StopMovement() in C++ class in all clients.
  • Debugged scope where AddMovementInput(Direction, Force) getting called. It is not entering there.

Do you guys have any idea about what is going on ? I am really confused about that matter.

Thanks for your time


I decided to completely compile and debug with Visual Studio. Had to set-up server configurations etc. Due my long compilation and debugging time I have bought an entry-level 120gb Kingston v300 SSD . I will actively work on this issue faster with this one.

Also if anyone has any idea about that I will be thankful. And if I can find about source of the problem I will definitely share.


Moved to C++ Programming (Thought it applies to that too) due lack of answer.