Detect end of a Move to Actor

I’m using a Move to Actor on an AI Controller and so far everything is working well. I’ve never set up AI before so it was nice seeing how easy it is to get actors moving.

Is there an easy way to find the end of a Move to Actor command? Once the actor moves to the place he stops, and that’s when I want to fire some events. I want to use this to setup a series of patrol points for an AI - basically a loop where he just goes from point to point and then starts at the beginning when done.


[Unreal Engine 4: NPC AI Navigation Tutorial

Hmm, the AIMoveTo function isn’t available inside of the actor’s blueprint. I would rather not use the level blueprint since I want this ai to work the same in every level - I just pass in different points to patrol around.


Then store your way points. Check current player location and compare to target point location, if in acceptable radius, do your next move to.

Check out Youtube, there are plenty of tutorials in regards to movement.

You should be able to adapt one.