Survival Game Sample cannot be loaded


I have been trying to open the .uproject file of the Survival game module posted here:

Everytime I try to open the .uproject file, I get this weird error:

I tried opening the file using these methods:

  1. Download the project using Git Bash.
  2. Try to open the .uproject file → Results in error

I also tried this:

  1. Download the project using Git Bash.
  2. Right click on the .uproject file to generate Visual Studio project files
  3. Try to open the .uproject file → Results in error

Tried this as well:

  1. Download the project using Git Bash.
  2. Right click on the .uproject file to generate Visual Studio project files
  3. Build the solution in Visual Studio → compiles without a problem
  4. Try to open the .uproject file → Results in error

I also tried the methods using the UE4 Launcher instead of in the windows explorer. If it’s any help, the error appears around the 70% of opening up the project. I’m using Windows 7 SP1.

I’m also using the most recent engine version.

I will attach the log files to this post.
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Hi Ghi102,

What OS are you using?

I’ve never used Git Bash but it’s possible that it could be causing the issue. Have you tried downloading the version or downloading it through Github’s client for windows? You can find the windows client here:

That’s weird, it works when downloaded with the GitHub client. My guess is that unix-like clients mess with some files or something. Thanks a lot!

Glad to hear that it worked. Please let us know if you need any further assistance and have a nice day.