Cannot start the Unreal Editor (Error 0xc000007b)

I downloaded the Engine some days ago and I tried to start it several times.
Everytime it shows up the welcome dialog to create a new project but as soon as I hover an option in it, it crashes and shows up that Error 0xc000007b occured…
I already read some answers on this page to nearly the same topic and I also updated DirectX and .NET Framework as mentioned here but nothing changed… I also exchanged a dll-file in the System32 directory but it still crashes…

Can somebody please help me? I’m using Windows 7 Home Premium x64 with an Intel i7 Quad-Core-Processor and 8GB RAM what should be enough to run the Engine…

Hi MCStreetguy,

Could you post you Dxdiag (system specs)? It will show updates that could cause the engine to not start properly.

Also, this is a recent solution for this error code. Is it the dll fix you tried?

Yes I found that post too and it’s the dll which changed nothing…
I put the Log of the DxDiag on PasteBin: DxDiag Log

Do you have an additional graphics card other than the “Intel(R) HD Graphics Family” that is listed in your dxdiag? If so, which one?

But either way, the next step is to make sure that your graphics card driver is up to date and do not use a beta driver if one is available. The can sometimes be unstable.

There’s a NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M built in and it drivers are up to date

Sometimes with laptops there are programs that change which graphics card is being used at a given time. Nvidia Optimus is one of the programs and it will sometimes conflict with UE4.

If you have Optimus or any other programs that does a similar task, try monitoring it to see if it is disabling your main graphics card when the editor starts. If so, try adjusting the settings or even temporarily disable the program.

I checked again the nvidia preferences and found out that my computer changed it for the Unreal Editor to the Intel Graphics… I rechanged it to the Geforce and now it works perfectly. Thanks! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, glad you got it working!

Good luck on your project.
