How to remove button from HUD after clicking on it?

When character dies I’m calling “End Menu HUD” which contains restart button. When user click on the button, it restart level or open level named “Runner”. It’s working but I want to remove button from the screen after clicking on it.

This BP is not working for me. What missing here?

“Open New Level” unloads pretty much everything and starts opening the next level. Try placing your “Remove from Parent” in front of “Open Level”.

I already tried that. But it was not working.

In Level blueprint , try this :

Can you show us what you are using to call your custom Death event?

Thanks. But I tried this in opposite way. When I load level I remove all widgets.
In this way, I can remove MainMenu Widget and Deatth Widget as well.

@Mhousse1247 solution worked for me. But still thanks for reply. :slight_smile:
Now I can destroy all widget on Loading of level (after main menu and after death as well) :slight_smile: