What is the cost of using Blueprint instead of C++?

What is the cost of using blueprint instead of cpp? Is there any significant overhead? What about blueprint compared to UnrealScript?

The overhead will be comparable to any other scripting language. So much slower than C++, but unless you’re executing a ton of blueprint code you’ll likely not even notice, because far less blueprint code is run compared to C++. Hope that helps.

Nick (Epic Games)

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Thanks Nick. This is what I assumed, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.

Is it possible for it to be made faster with future updates? Just a thought.

Like paragonx9 said, is it going to be made faster in the future?

If you go to Unreal’s roadmap, you can see that they are currently working it conversion from Blueprints to C++. I think that will resolve the performance issue: Trello

Anxgotta…is there anyway to speak,to,you privately via phone …or email …

Honestly with today’s computers and server technology… it will be hard to notice. You’d really have to have some inefficient logic running in your BPs to see performance impact on a server or desktop with a few gigs of ram.

Performance issues in games generally happen more on the graphical side.

Please create an account in the Unreal Engine Forums and PM me there. Thanks.